新西兰留学移民 Study in New Zealand
澳大利亚留学移民 Study in Australia

TNC领航澳新留学移民,英文名:Top New Channel International Education Services. Trading Name: TNC International Education & Immigration (NZ&AU). 英文简称:NZTNC. TNC领航澳新留学移⺠于2013年成⽴于新西兰奥克兰,从 2015 至 2024 年,先后在惠灵顿、基督城、广州,北京,澳洲墨尔本,澳洲悉尼,澳洲布里斯班设立办公室或办事处。成立十多年来,TNC领航已成为新西兰本地全十大留学移民服务公司,是具有全部八所国⽴⼤学,政府理⼯学院及众多私⽴院校和中小学的官⽅授权招生代理!是具有澳洲众多院校授权的官方代理。
TNC领航拥有多位新西兰、澳洲持牌移民顾问,资深留学教育顾问。创始人Kris Zhang 为资深澳新留学顾问,拥有澳洲,新西兰双持牌移民顾问牌照!
新西兰商务部(Company Office)公司注册号:4499500; NZBN: 9429030174276.
澳洲商务部(ASIC)公司注册号:626329815; ABN:76626329815.
新西兰 Kris ZHANG (IAA:201801222) ; Junyu (Tim) CHEN (IAA: 202300365); Eric LI (IAA: 202100777)
澳洲 Kris ZHANG (MARA: 1807354) ; Harvey LI (MARA: 2217976); Yu WANG (MARA: 1801621).
领航最新数据 Figures about Top New Channel
3位澳洲注册移民顾问 3 Australian Registered Migration Agents
3位新西兰持牌移民顾问 3 New Zealand Licensed Immigration Advisors
全球多家分公司及办事处(奥克兰、惠灵顿、基督城、墨尔本、悉尼、布里斯班、广州、北京)6 Global Offices (Auckland, Wellington, Christchurch, Melbourne, Sydney, Brisbane, Guangzhou, Beijing have been established before.
8所新西兰国立大学全部招生代理权 Represent all 8 Universities of New Zealand, including the University of Auckland (authorised agents)
新西兰理工及绝大部分私立院校、中小学招生代理授权 Represent Te Pūkenga – New Zealand Institute of Skills and Technology
and most private institutions, primary schools, intermediate and high schools.
多位留学顾问通过新西兰教育部培训课程证书考核 All our Education Consultants passed the Education New Zealand training course certificate.
近6000位成功客户的办理经验 (截至2024年6月)Successfully serviced almost 6000 clients so far (Jun 2024)
服务范围 (新西兰&澳洲):
课程咨询;院校申请;签证办理 ;移民申请 ;转澳特办;
About Us:
Top New Channel International Education Services is one of the top international education consulting service agents in New Zealand. We have rich experience in providing the best suitable solution for students who seek to study or migrate and want to settle down in New Zealand. Our head office is located in Auckland with four branches in Wellington, Christchurch, Guangzhou and Melbourne. Our education consultants, IAA licensed immigration advisors, QEAC Registered Education Consultants and OMARA registered migration agents, aim to provide the best service for clients in overseas study. We are open to people from all over the world!!
Our specialised education consultants welcome all international students. Our professional knowledge and rich experience in New Zealand education have supported a great number of young people to start an amazing journey in this beautiful country. Our main goal is to establish a reliable service that will help every international student to achieve success in their overseas study and provide a satisfying service and solution to all our clients.
Over the years, we have managed to establish a solid reputation in serving our clients from different countries. We are dedicated to every client by suggesting a customised study plan which includes an English language programme and study pathways to tertiary education. Our mission is to provide a satisfying experience and a perfect overseas study journey in New Zealand to all our clients.
Our Services include (NZ & Australia)
Courses Consultation, School Application, Immigration Advice; Visa Application,
Translation Services, Airport Pick-up, Accommodation arrangements, Career Mentoring, and Special Discount Insurance.
TNC领航拥有多位新西兰、澳洲持牌移民顾问,资深留学教育顾问。创始人Kris Zhang 为资深澳新留学顾问,拥有澳洲,新西兰双持牌移民顾问牌照!
新西兰商务部(Company Office)公司注册号:4499500; NZBN: 9429030174276.
澳洲商务部(ASIC)公司注册号:626329815; ABN:76626329815.
新西兰 Kris ZHANG (IAA:201801222) ; Junyu (Tim) CHEN (IAA: 202300365); Eric LI (IAA: 202100777)
澳洲 Kris ZHANG (MARA: 1807354) ; Harvey LI (MARA: 2217976); Yu WANG (MARA: 1801621).
领航最新数据 Figures about Top New Channel
3位澳洲注册移民顾问 3 Australian Registered Migration Agents
3位新西兰持牌移民顾问 3 New Zealand Licensed Immigration Advisors
全球多家分公司及办事处(奥克兰、惠灵顿、基督城、墨尔本、悉尼、布里斯班、广州、北京)6 Global Offices (Auckland, Wellington, Christchurch, Melbourne, Sydney, Brisbane, Guangzhou, Beijing have been established before.
8所新西兰国立大学全部招生代理权 Represent all 8 Universities of New Zealand, including the University of Auckland (authorised agents)
新西兰理工及绝大部分私立院校、中小学招生代理授权 Represent Te Pūkenga – New Zealand Institute of Skills and Technology
and most private institutions, primary schools, intermediate and high schools.
多位留学顾问通过新西兰教育部培训课程证书考核 All our Education Consultants passed the Education New Zealand training course certificate.
近6000位成功客户的办理经验 (截至2024年6月)Successfully serviced almost 6000 clients so far (Jun 2024)
服务范围 (新西兰&澳洲):
课程咨询;院校申请;签证办理 ;移民申请 ;转澳特办;
About Us:
Top New Channel International Education Services is one of the top international education consulting service agents in New Zealand. We have rich experience in providing the best suitable solution for students who seek to study or migrate and want to settle down in New Zealand. Our head office is located in Auckland with four branches in Wellington, Christchurch, Guangzhou and Melbourne. Our education consultants, IAA licensed immigration advisors, QEAC Registered Education Consultants and OMARA registered migration agents, aim to provide the best service for clients in overseas study. We are open to people from all over the world!!
Our specialised education consultants welcome all international students. Our professional knowledge and rich experience in New Zealand education have supported a great number of young people to start an amazing journey in this beautiful country. Our main goal is to establish a reliable service that will help every international student to achieve success in their overseas study and provide a satisfying service and solution to all our clients.
Over the years, we have managed to establish a solid reputation in serving our clients from different countries. We are dedicated to every client by suggesting a customised study plan which includes an English language programme and study pathways to tertiary education. Our mission is to provide a satisfying experience and a perfect overseas study journey in New Zealand to all our clients.
Our Services include (NZ & Australia)
Courses Consultation, School Application, Immigration Advice; Visa Application,
Translation Services, Airport Pick-up, Accommodation arrangements, Career Mentoring, and Special Discount Insurance.
新西兰:(+64) 9-3901135 (新西兰全国服务热线)
(+64) 3-3917788 (新西兰南岛基督城服务咨询热线)
澳洲: ( +61) 4-01995588(澳洲服务热线)
新西兰:(+64) 9-3901135 (新西兰全国服务热线)
(+64) 3-3917788 (新西兰南岛基督城服务咨询热线)
澳洲: ( +61) 4-01995588(澳洲服务热线)
奥克兰总部: Level 2, 175 Queen Street, Auckland CBD (市中心中旅大厦二楼) 电话: +0064 9 3901135
悉尼: Level 17, 123 Pitt Street, Sydney, NSW, Australia 联系人Kris 电话:+61 0401 995588
悉尼西区:1/118 Church St, Parramatta NSW 2150 联系人Kris 电话:+61 0401 995588
基督城: G Floor, 8 Nelson Street, Riccarton, Christchurch (毗邻Westfield Riccarton Shopping Mall) 联系人Ashlyn 电话 +64 3 391 7788
惠灵顿: G Floor, 39 Taranaki Street, Te Aro, Wellington (毗邻新西兰国家博物馆) 联系人Lillian 电话:+64 9 3901135
墨尔本: 22 Preston Road, Melbourne, VIC, Australia (毗邻墨尔本理工学院)联系人Cheson 电话:+61 0406 133 715
布里斯班:8 Modred Street, Carindale, Brisbane, QLD, Australia ;联系人Amy 电话:+61 0478 205 828
奥克兰总部: Level 2, 175 Queen Street, Auckland CBD (市中心中旅大厦二楼) 电话: +0064 9 3901135
悉尼: Level 17, 123 Pitt Street, Sydney, NSW, Australia 联系人Kris 电话:+61 0401 995588
悉尼西区:1/118 Church St, Parramatta NSW 2150 联系人Kris 电话:+61 0401 995588
基督城: G Floor, 8 Nelson Street, Riccarton, Christchurch (毗邻Westfield Riccarton Shopping Mall) 联系人Ashlyn 电话 +64 3 391 7788
惠灵顿: G Floor, 39 Taranaki Street, Te Aro, Wellington (毗邻新西兰国家博物馆) 联系人Lillian 电话:+64 9 3901135
墨尔本: 22 Preston Road, Melbourne, VIC, Australia (毗邻墨尔本理工学院)联系人Cheson 电话:+61 0406 133 715
布里斯班:8 Modred Street, Carindale, Brisbane, QLD, Australia ;联系人Amy 电话:+61 0478 205 828
"穿过赤道,到新西兰去,那里一片广袤无垠的绿野上牛羊成群,油画般的景色定能让你不愿挪步,踏上新西兰的国土,立刻会产生一种置身于世外桃源的感觉,这里是精灵世界,魔幻中土,这里有湛蓝的天空,巍峨的雪山,碧绿的高山草甸,汹涌的河流,宜人的气候、刺激的运动、淳朴的人民、丰盛的佳肴、多元的文化 ……这里被誉为“世界所有自由景观之缩影,人间仙境,上帝的花园,中土世界,也是世界最后一片净土”,在新西兰保留了人类最原始、最美丽的生态环境:峻峭秀丽的山峦、宁静清澄的湖泊以及淳朴奇异的毛利风情都深深吸引着人们的视线,出发吧!新西兰的美妙需要你自己用心去体会……"
Welcome to Study in New Zealand by
Top New Channel International Education Services
Study, travel and explore the 100% Pure New Zealand with us.