TNC领航澳新留学移⺠简介:于2013年成⽴于新西兰奥克兰,先后在惠灵顿、基督城、广州,北京,澳洲墨尔本,澳洲悉尼设立办公室和办事处。成立十年来,TNC领航已成为新西兰本地全十大留学移民服务公司,是具有全部八所国⽴⼤学,政府理⼯学院及众多私⽴院校和中小学的官⽅授权招生代理!TNC领航拥有多位新西兰、澳洲持牌移民顾问,资深留学教育顾问。创始人Kris Zhang 为资深澳新留学顾问,拥有澳洲,新西兰双持牌移民顾问牌照!TNC领航是专注新西兰、澳洲留学,签证与移⺠⼀站式服务的公司,致⼒于为客⼾提供专业与高效的服务!成⽴⼗年来已服务过数千位留学生和家庭,广受好评!感谢您选择TNC领航,我们将为您澳洲,新西兰的留学与移⺠之路保驾护航!留学澳新,首选领航!
TNC International Education & Immigration (NZ&AU)
Trading Name: TNC International Education & Immigration (NZ&AU)
English Abbreviation: NZTNC
Founded in Auckland, New Zealand, in 2013, TNC International Education & Immigration has expanded its presence to Wellington, Christchurch, Guangzhou, Beijing, Melbourne, Sydney, and Brisbane from 2015 to 2024. Over the past decade, TNC has become one of New Zealand's top ten local education and immigration service companies. It is an officially authorized recruitment agent for all eight New Zealand universities, government institutes of technology, private colleges, and secondary schools. TNC is also an official agent for numerous Australian institutions.
TNC boasts a team of licensed immigration advisors and experienced education consultants in New Zealand and Australia. Founder Kris Zhang, a seasoned consultant, holds dual licensure as an immigration advisor in both countries.
Our Mission:
TNC specializes in providing one-stop services for study, visa, and immigration to New Zealand and Australia. With a focus on professionalism and efficiency, TNC has served thousands of students and families over the past decade, earning widespread praise. Thank you for choosing TNC—we are committed to supporting your journey to study and migrate to New Zealand and Australia! "Study in NZ & AU, Choose TNC First!"
Registration Information:
TNC’s team includes:
Licensed Immigration Advisors:
★ 公司自2013年成立以来,不断扩大业务规模,于2015年7月开设基督城分公司,在新西兰全境为广大留学生提供服务!同年10月,成功举办“领航杯” 3V3 篮球赛,吸引了来自奥克兰多所院校的留学生参与,受到社会各界的广泛关注,其中WTV等知名媒体,对该活动进行了专题报道。同时,TNC领航代表新西兰国际教育出口产业出展单位,受邀参加中国广东21世纪海上丝绸之路国际博览会,积极向广大消费者推广新西兰国际教育产业。
★ 2016年4月,公司为给广大留学生提供更加便捷的服务,在新西兰首都惠灵顿开设境内第三个办公室。与此同时,TNC领航成为新西兰第一家在全国三大中心城市均设有直属办公室的留学移民服务机构,全国三地都能为广大留学生提供课程咨询、院校申请、签证办理、实习就业指导,定居辅助等全方位定制化服务。
★ 2016年,公司荣获新西兰最大政府理工学院Unitec颁发的全球杰出优秀奖。
★ 2017年7月,TNC领航中国广州分部成立。
★ 2018年5月,TNC领航墨尔本分部成立。
★ 2018年12月,公司荣获林肯大学授予的年度全球第一华语中介,新西兰第一,全球第二,基督城突出贡献奖。
★ 2019年5月,公司荣获ACG奥克兰大学预科20周年庆典优秀贡献奖。
新西兰商务部 (COMPANY OFFICE) 注册号:4499500,NZBN: 9429030174276
澳洲商务部(ASIC) 注册号:626329815,澳洲ABN: 76626329815
TNC International Education & Immigration (NZ&AU)
Trading Name: TNC International Education & Immigration (NZ&AU)
English Abbreviation: NZTNC
Founded in Auckland, New Zealand, in 2013, TNC International Education & Immigration has expanded its presence to Wellington, Christchurch, Guangzhou, Beijing, Melbourne, Sydney, and Brisbane from 2015 to 2024. Over the past decade, TNC has become one of New Zealand's top ten local education and immigration service companies. It is an officially authorized recruitment agent for all eight New Zealand universities, government institutes of technology, private colleges, and secondary schools. TNC is also an official agent for numerous Australian institutions.
TNC boasts a team of licensed immigration advisors and experienced education consultants in New Zealand and Australia. Founder Kris Zhang, a seasoned consultant, holds dual licensure as an immigration advisor in both countries.
Our Mission:
TNC specializes in providing one-stop services for study, visa, and immigration to New Zealand and Australia. With a focus on professionalism and efficiency, TNC has served thousands of students and families over the past decade, earning widespread praise. Thank you for choosing TNC—we are committed to supporting your journey to study and migrate to New Zealand and Australia! "Study in NZ & AU, Choose TNC First!"
Registration Information:
- New Zealand Company Registration (Company Office): 4499500; NZBN: 9429030174276
- Australian Company Registration (ASIC): 626329815; ABN: 76626329815
TNC’s team includes:
- Over 25 study consultants certified by New Zealand's Ministry of Education training program.
- 3 consultants registered as QEAC-certified education agents in Australia.
Licensed Immigration Advisors:
- New Zealand:
- Kris Zhang (IAA: 201801222)
- Junyu (Tim) Chen (IAA: 202300365)
- Eric Li (IAA: 202100777)
- Australia:
- Kris Zhang (MARA: 1807354)
- Harvey Li (MARA: 2217976)
- Yu Wang (MARA: 1801621)
★ 公司自2013年成立以来,不断扩大业务规模,于2015年7月开设基督城分公司,在新西兰全境为广大留学生提供服务!同年10月,成功举办“领航杯” 3V3 篮球赛,吸引了来自奥克兰多所院校的留学生参与,受到社会各界的广泛关注,其中WTV等知名媒体,对该活动进行了专题报道。同时,TNC领航代表新西兰国际教育出口产业出展单位,受邀参加中国广东21世纪海上丝绸之路国际博览会,积极向广大消费者推广新西兰国际教育产业。
★ 2016年4月,公司为给广大留学生提供更加便捷的服务,在新西兰首都惠灵顿开设境内第三个办公室。与此同时,TNC领航成为新西兰第一家在全国三大中心城市均设有直属办公室的留学移民服务机构,全国三地都能为广大留学生提供课程咨询、院校申请、签证办理、实习就业指导,定居辅助等全方位定制化服务。
★ 2016年,公司荣获新西兰最大政府理工学院Unitec颁发的全球杰出优秀奖。
★ 2017年7月,TNC领航中国广州分部成立。
★ 2018年5月,TNC领航墨尔本分部成立。
★ 2018年12月,公司荣获林肯大学授予的年度全球第一华语中介,新西兰第一,全球第二,基督城突出贡献奖。
★ 2019年5月,公司荣获ACG奥克兰大学预科20周年庆典优秀贡献奖。
新西兰商务部 (COMPANY OFFICE) 注册号:4499500,NZBN: 9429030174276
澳洲商务部(ASIC) 注册号:626329815,澳洲ABN: 76626329815